شراء المناقصة · 09/03/2017

Photovoltaic cells

4BB PERC mono and/or non-PERC mono cells

(ENG) PERC mono and/or non-PERC mono cells(if both available, even better), must be 4 bb, with efficiency not lower than 20.9% (the higher, the better) Our company's customer is a leading company in the PV sector; their monthly consumption is around 500,000 cells including both mono and poly, over 100,000 for each type. (CN) 我们公司海外客户是在太阳能行业的一家领先企业;对多晶和单晶电池片总的来讲,一月用量总共为500,000电池片左右,各种用量为100.000以上。• 单晶PERC电池片或者单晶电池片(如果两种都能提的话,更好),都要4bb(4-busbar),效率要20.9%以上(效率越高越好)。 试购订量为30,000到50,000片,对首次体验性订单满溢的话,以后有长期合作并每月订大量的可能。卖方必须保证质量及供货时间的稳定。交货时间越短越好。因为最终客户在欧洲,卖方公司必须写在MIP名单里面(中欧之间达成的关于最低价格承诺相关名单)。 电池要空运到意大利罗马菲乌米奇诺机场(“列奥纳多•达芬奇”国际机场 ,中文简称:达芬奇进场,英文缩写:FCO) 目标价格:0.225欧元/Wp以下。 请贵司尽快提供如下: 1)贵公司营业执照扫描件; 2)电池片规格表以及图片; 3)FCA(Free Carrier)正式报价单。

(ENG) PERC mono and/or non-PERC mono cells(if both available, even better), must be 4 bb, with efficiency not lower than 20.9% (the higher, the better) Our company's customer is a leading company in the PV sector; their monthly consumption is around 500,000 cells including both mono and poly, over 100,000 for each type.

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  • Type 4bb (4 bus bars)
  • Efficiency 20.9% and higher
  • Price per Wp
  • Quantity in cells

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